The Dream Factory

Dream Maker Auction 2023

Pot Size


Winner gets half

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Your purchase will help make more Dreams a reality for sick kids in Manitoba!

Your ticket will not only allow you the opportunity to take home half of the 50/50 pot, you will directly help make more Dreams come true for kids in Manitoba battling life-threatening illnesses - kids like Anna.

Anna has a very rare condition called Mitochondrial Disease. This means Anna will struggle with seizures, developmental delay, and hypotonia (low muscle mass) throughout her life.

Anna's Dream is to take a Disney Cruise! Anna doesn't have a lot of energy and needs to take a rest regularly. The pace of a Disney Cruise is right up her alley and has all the magic of Disney in one place! Your 50/50 purchase will help Anna's Dream become a reality!

50/50 Raffle Sponsored by Princess Auto